Company: | Studio General Ltd. |
Headquarter: | Budafoki ut 41b. Budapest, 1111 Hungary |
Office, Store Address: | Rottenbiller u. 47. Budapest, 1071 Hungary |
Opening hours: | Monday – Friday: 10:00am - 06:00pm |
Saturday – Sunday: closed | |
Phone: | +36 1 4131810 |
Fax: | +36 1 3228839 |
E-mail: | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Tax Number: | 12355280-2-43 |
Register Number: | 01 09 670520 |
Registering Court: | Fővárosi Bíróság, as a Court of Registration |
Account Holding Financial Institution: | K&H Bank Zrt. |
Bank Account Number (EUR): | HU25 10405004 49564854 50531021 |
Hosting Provider: | EV2 Internet Kft. |
Schoeps Premium Dealer
- with full authorisation
After being local distributor for 23 years
Studio General is awarded as Premium Dealer in the EU (from 2022)