
Schoeps RL 350 Microphone extension tube for CCM, Lemo, 35cm, incl. RG 8


Schoeps RL 350 Microphone extension tube for CCM, Lemo, 35cm, incl. RG 8

Standard lengths: 350, 700, 1200 mm
Special lengths of less than 1200 mm can also be ordered.
The K 5 LU adapter cable is included with the CCM _L, while the RG 8 swivel is included with the RL straight extension tube.
Recommended popscreens: B 1 D or B 5 D

  • extension tube for CCM _L Compact Condenser Microphones
  • at the front end: Lemo socket; at the output: Lemo plug for the existing adapter cable of the CCM _L
  • the swivel at the front end can be set from 0° (fully extended) to 120°
259 080 Ft
(204 000 Ft nettó)
5 5 1 Product